miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


Dicen que todo lo bueno se acaba... eta halaxe da. Bukatu da esperientzi izugarri hau, oraindik aterrizatu gabe nabil, gorputza Euskal Herrian, baina burua oraindik Edinburgh-n.

Nire bizitzak izugarrizko aldaketa jasan du hiru hilabete hauetan, beste ni bat bueltatu da handik. Hainbeste gauza ikusi, sentitu eta partekatu ditut ez dakidala ezta nundik hasi adierazten.

Orain beste etapa baten aurrean aurkitzen gara eta honi heldu behar diogu, lagun batek dioen bezala, "beti aurrera begiratu behar da"

Bizitzako momentu desberdinetan kanta desberdinek izugarrizko garrantzia hartzen dute, Edinburgh-on kantante baten kontzertuan egoteko aukera izan nuen eta dudarik gabe bere kanta batek bihotza ikutu zidan. Kantaren izena: Breaking the rules (Jack Savoretti)

Sick and tired of getting older
I keep getting lost trying to find my way
Looking for love in every corner
night after night
but every street light looks the same

So I'm taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do

I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
Im out on my own, doing it my way

I gotta be tough, gotta be stronger
and take the time to understand
This city cant get any colder
stab you in the back while shaking your hand

So I'm taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do

I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
Im out on my own, doing it my way
doing it my own way

Sick and tired of getting older
I keep getting lost trying to find my way
Looking for love in every corner
night after night
but every street light looks the same

So I'm taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do

I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
Im out on my own, doing it my way

I gotta be tough, gotta be stronger
and take the time to understand
This city cant get any colder
stab you in the back while shaking your hand

So I'm taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do

I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
Im out on my own, doing it my way
doing it my own way

Eskerrak ematea besterik ez zait geratzen. Eskerrikasko ikastetxeari eta Ikaslaneri emandako aukerarengatik. 


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