lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

The typical Finnish plan for the weekend

Hei there, this is Asier Suarez, writing to you from Lohja, Finland.

Yesterday was Sunday, and the weather was actually sunny, so we (a couple of Finns, four Spaniards and four more Germans who came here a week ago) decided to go hiking to the island and do the Typical Finnish Plan for the Weekend: take some wood, make a fire, cook a few sausages and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake and its surroundings. The first place where we went, however, was already taken (I mean, it was a really good day for such a plan), but luckily our guide knew another spot which was great for that day because it was not windy at all. So we took a few logs (there are always a few lying around in key spots on the island for people to use if needed), went to the spot, made a nice fire and spent the afternoon/evening there. It was nice and calm in the island, and the scenery was certainly stunning. After dinner, we also went around the island for some exploration, walking (or, well, more like jumping from rock to rock) along the shore until we reached that one other camping site, which was still filled with people. No matter what I write here, however, nothing conveys the feeling you get when camping in the Finnish wilderness like a couple pictures (or, well, actually being there, I guess. You should all try it sometime!):

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